


CALS 195C --- Promoting Academic Learning Strategies for Success

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to cultivate the skills, values and attitudes necessary to become confident and successful students.  It will introduce students to university and college procedures and assist in identifying their educational goals.  Skills taught in this class are time management, motivation, listening, note-taking, exam preparation and use of campus resources and advising.  Students will have the opportunity to further explore their major and career options.  Peer mentor component is included.


這個課程是麗莎College of Life Science的必修課,專門開給一年級的學生!有點類似大學入門課程,告訴你大學四年該如何做才能過得充實有意義。課程有介紹基本的學習方法,例如不同的記憶方式、做筆記方式、寫自傳履歷的方式等;介紹校內各個部門處所還有他們提供的資源;課堂上也會藉由擬定目標讓自己的大學不至於渾渾噩噩不知道在幹麻。 以前在中興念大一的時候有修了一門保真老師的「大學入門」選修,這是很相似的一門課,麗莎也是在那時候經由老師的介紹才加深了出國當交換學生的念頭。如果有機會,這種課很值得修,不僅可以學到實用的方法也可以同時讓自己對未來更有想法。


ENGL 107 --- English Composition for ESL Students

Exposition, emphasis on essays, for ESL students. All entering international students must take a placement examination given at the beginning of each semester and summer session. Contact the Writing Program.


這是其中一門我覺得很有用的課。不同於在台灣學到的英文寫作,美國大學比較注重內容的獨立還有思考性。教授不告訴你如何把句子寫得漂亮,也沒有教你運用特殊方法或訂正你的文法。主要把焦點放在分析上,例如,其中一篇essay要求我們閱讀三篇texts然後針對他們的相同相異或是你想要argue的點來討論,完成一篇長達1800字的文章。除了分析以外,另一個麗莎覺得很有用的分析方法是運用PIE structure。藉由Point, Illustration, Explanation來寫每一段落不僅可以清楚地讓讀者知道你的論點也可以說服讀者同意你!



ENGL 255 --- Introduction to the English Language

Basic concepts in the study of the English language: history, semantics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse. English in its social context: regional and social varieties, language acquisition, and English as an international language.




2014Fall修的課大概就是這樣囉!覺得充實:)see y'all next time


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